urban action
as open source
פעולה עירונית כקוד פתוח

Awareness can Make the Change
Informal actions driven by the perception of personal responsibility, and direct intervention by users and passersby in the public space.
שיטות פעולה א-פורמליות המונעות מתפיסת אחריות אישית ומיישמות התערבות ישירה של משתמשים ועוברי האורח במרחב הציבורי.
StreetWise + StreetVoice = StreetVis
Urban Design + Urban Action = Social Hacktivism
עיצוב עירוני + פעולה עירונית (אמנות + אקטיביזם) = האקטיביזם חברתי.
המרחב הציבורי + פוטנציאל ההתנגדות = עצמה אזרחית.

Dr. Zivia Kay
Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, The Technion
Zivia is a Senior Lecturer at Bezalel, Academy of Art and Design and a Visitor Assistant Prof. at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion. Her work revolves around Visual Ethics with a special focus on Visual Hacktivism and Concept Based Design. Her own studio kUAH specializes in Hacktive appearance and innovative civic strategies. Kay is a Polonsky Library fellow at the Van Leer Jerusalem institute

Prof. Shamay Assif
Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, The Technion
Prof. of Urban planning, The Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
Head, The Philip & Ethel Klutznick Center of Urban and Regional Studies
Head, The SPaDe- the Spatial Planning and Design Laboratory
Head, The Hadarion
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, The Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel
Architect and Town Planner, Gutman Assif Architects Inc., Tel Aviv Yafo

Daphna Ziv (MBA)
The Hadarion, CEO
The Hadarion is a living laboratory for community-based knowledge and urban planning. part of the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning at the Technion in Hadar, Haifa.
Throughout her career Daphna managed various NGOs, all reflecting the social coexistence of the city of Haifa. Daphna holds an M.A. in Geography and an M.BA. in NGO management, both from Haifa University.