Omer Krieger
Omer Krieger will present actions that he directed in the public spaces of cities in Israel and Europe, performances which reinvent forms of assembly and choreography. These actions promote a public sphere in which collectivities are performed, conflict is allowed, and society’s shared space and time serve as studio, laboratory and stage, creating debate, interruption, and speech acts which challenge hegemonic discourse and promote political change. With celebration and protest, pilgrimage and party, new ceremonies and reenactments of collective trauma, Krieger will share new ways to demonstrate, talk to strangers, and reclaim the streets in the name of creativity, free expression and political imagination.
Omer Krieger is an artist who composes performative actions, political situations, forms of assembly and civic choreographies in public spaces. Krieger studies the public experience, the common behaviour and the performance of the state, and is interested in the relations between art, citizenship, politics, and action. Co-founder and leader (2006-11) of the performative research body Public Movement, Krieger served as artistic director of Under the Mountain: New Public Art Festival, in Jerusalem (2011-15). Krieger stages actions in Israel and internationally, in collaboration with institutions in the fields of art, theatre, dance, education and government. In 2017 he translated to Hebrew Stephen Wright’s “Toward a Lexicon of Usership”, and between 2018-20 he was the artistic director of 1:1 - Center for Art and Politics in Tel-Aviv.